Saturday, May 23, 2009



so i went to that modeling thing and it was fun and i got my pictures back today and they turned out pretty good (well? what is the correct adjective?)

anyways I was thinking about models and how their job is. they must be really secure in their body image and i'm glad designers are starting to use models that seem to be at healthier weights

it provides a better body image for everyone when we don't praise anorexia as the standard of beauty.

anyways heres the random fashion for the day:

diana bobar spring/summer '08

hmmm cant really see them all that well ill post a link.
nitey nite

Thursday, May 21, 2009

H&M submission photo


So I'm posting the photo that I submitted to H&M's design contest ummm i guess I'll include a link so here
(woops haha the deadline is passed so now it's just a little boring):

Okedoke, so next order of business the photo :)

I haven't heard anything at all....

I hope that's not a bad sign, but at least I tried.

Oh. I went to a modeling audition today, pretty wild stuff. Something different, just kind of trying whatever at the moment.

random fashion photo: oscar de la renta spring '07 (maybe I'll do this all the time now... hmm?)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

still stuck on marchesa check their site! http://

I'm so in love.

SYTYCD starts thursday!!

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok sorry... I'm done I think. I love this show.

I Like Marchesa Too Much

This is why I like fashion:

Marchesa can do no wrong....

I want one

That's pretty much it

Aha. This is starting to make a little more sense


Okay, this is starting to make a little bit more sense, slowly but surely.

Like my dad likes to say:

(this is one of his jokes that he says ALL the time that isn't funny to me anymore but people sometimes laugh. Like for instance one of his favorites is when we go to a restaurant and people ask if we want smoking or non-smoking (can i do parentheses in a parentheses? whatever I'm doing it. Tons of restaurants are getting rid of their smoking section now!! I had to write a 10 page persuasive paper about becoming a smoke-free state, so this is great news to me!) Where was I? oh yes, when they ask about smoking and non-smoking he always says, "Non-smoking, we're trying to get the kids to quit." [Insert polite laughter from restaurant hostess while she's probably really thinking, I'm exhausted and He's annoying...] Oh I'm totally off topic sorry.)

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.

Ok, so Let's see.

Oh I'm going to post another picture of one of my sketches. TADA!
So I entered a design contest for H&M because I saw an ad for it in Seventeen Magazine. (woops is this like advertising for them or what?)
And I didn't submit this one but this was one of the designs I was considering, which is why it's watercolored I'll post that one later
Wow I wrote a lot in parentheses in this post. My bad

To Dress Is To Live introduction

Well that was surprisingly simple.

I wasn't quite sure how I would actually go about creating a blog, but BlogSpot sure does make it easy.

Here's the thing:

I like learning about fashion. So I draw designs for clothes that I would want to wear. I draw other things sometimes but mostly I draw clothes, I'm not sure how to describe them but they are unique.

This dress above was drawn during my chemistry class (I pretty much draw whenever I have an idea, no matter where I am)It might be one of the best things I've ever drawn and it's my favorite design.

I have a lot more designs (I get tired of this word, is there anything better I could use?) all saved up in my red sketchbook that I carry everywhere. I will post these later if I get that figured out. Wish me luck.

I always say yes when people ask to see my sketches because I like to know how people respond to them.

Not sure how to end this entry but I'm still exploring Blogging in its entirety so I'll be back later
